Family Self-Sufficiency
The purpose of the family self-sufficiency (FSS) program is to promote the development of local strategies to coordinate the use of Section 8 and public housing assistance programs with public and private resources enabling families eligible to receive assistance under these programs to achieve economic independence and self-sufficiency [984.101(a)(1)]. FSS 2022 Action Plan
How does this work?
FSS is a five-year program. At your first appointment, you and your FSS Coordinator will set goals and plan on how to accomplish them over the next five years.
With the FSS Program, as your earned income increases, your rent may increase, too. SHA will place a portion of that rent increase into an escrow savings account. When you have successfully completed your goals, you will receive the balance of your escrow savings account. The majority of participants use this paired with a VIDA to purchase a home or move into unsubsidized housing. Interested in learning more about the resources of the program?