Learn more about low income housing options in Salem and Keizer, Oregon provided by Salem Housing Authority.

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If you need a reasonable accommodation to access any of our programs, please contact us.

Eligibility information is available in the Administrative Plan or the Tenant Selection Plan for each program or property. Click any program below to learn more.

Closed Waiting Lists

Due to the high number of applicants, the following waiting lists are closed until further notice. Applications for closed waiting lists can not be accepted. Before any waiting list reopens, it will be announced publicly and here on this web page.

Section 8

The Housing Choice Voucher program, commonly known as Section 8, is a federal government program for assisting very low-income households to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private rental market. Click below to learn more.

Public Housing

Public Housing units have income-based rent for low-income families. Click below to learn more.

Salem Housing Preservation

Salem Housing Preservation units have income-based rent for low income families and individuals. Salem Housing Preservation properties have some 1- and 2-bedroom ADA units. Click below to learn more.

Affordable Apartments for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities

Other Affordable Apartments
(Flat Rent)

Other rental assistance programs: