Parkway East & West
Property Location:
3103-3163 7th Pl NE, Salem OR 97303.
Maintenance Request
Click the link - Maintenance Request — Salem Housing Authority (salemhousingor.com)
Tenant Payment Portal
Additionally, you can pay in cash at participating locations. Contact the Property Management Coordinator for more information.
Please note that we will continue to accept checks and money orders as we do now.
Parkway East and West are 124 units of affordable two bedroom and three-bedroom units in NE Salem:
Parkway East has 46 rental units.
Parkway East General Information and Eligibility:
The property was funded with Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), Housing Development Grant Program (HDGP), and HOME program funds. All units are restricted to households with income below a certain percentage of the Area Median Income (AMI). To be eligible for a restricted unit, you must meet the eligibility criteria for the Low. Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program. The Tenant Selection Plan will help you see if you are eligible. If you have questions about anything in this plan, please ask the Property Management Coordinator.
Parkway West has 78 rental units.
Parkway West General Information and Eligibility:
The property was funded with Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), General Housing Account Program (GHAP), and Housing Development Grant (HDGP) funds. Some units are restricted to households with income below a certain percentage of the Area Median Income (AMI). To be eligible for a restricted unit, you must meet the eligibility criteria for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program. The Tenant Selection Plan will help you see if you are eligible. If you have questions about anything in this plan, please ask the Property Management Coordinator.
Reasonable Accommodations:
If an applicant or resident indicates that an exception, change, or adjustment to a rule, policy, practice, service, or physical structure is needed because of a disability or medical need, SHA will treat the information as a request for reasonable accommodation. SHA provides a Request for Reasonable Accommodation form for this purpose, but SHA will consider requests any time the family indicates that an accommodation is needed whether a formal written request is submitted. The family must explain what type of accommodation is needed to provide the person with the disability or medical need full access to SHA’s programs and services. If the need for the accommodation is not readily apparent or known to SHA, the family must explain the relationship between the requested accommodation and the disability. Additionally, if the family indicates that an accommodation is required for a disability that is not obvious or otherwise known to SHA, SHA must verify that the person meets the definition of a person with a disability, and that the accommodation is necessary to accommodate the disability or medical need.
Please contact the Property Management Coordinator for this property if you have questions regarding reasonable accommodations.
Reasonable Accommodation Forms - Click Here
Maximum Income Limits
$29,300 1 Person
$33,500 2 People
$37,700 3 People
$41,850 4 People
$45,200 5 People
$48,550 6 People
$51,900 7 People
Waiting List Applications
It is important to keep your contact information updated with SHA while you are on a waiting list. You will be contacted by mail when your name comes to the top of the waiting list. If SHA's correspondence to you is returned by the US Postal Service, you will be removed from all waiting lists you are on.
The current wait period estimate for a Parkway East or West vacancy is 24-36 months for 2 bedrooms, and 12-18 months for 3 bedrooms. Estimated wait times may change at any time depending on funding, vacancy rates, and market conditions. SHA does not provide applicants their waiting list position and is not able tell you how long your wait will be.
Each of the 4 waiting list applications is treated as a separate waiting list; submitting an application for one does not automatically place you on any other waiting list.
Income Limits
To be eligible to rent most* units at Parkway East or Parkway West, households must meet income qualifications below. Other eligibility criteria are found in the Parkway East Tenant Selection Plan and the Parkway West Tenant Selection Plan.
*Some units have higher or lower income limits. Some units are "market" units with no income limit.