Governing Bodies
City Council
555 Liberty St. SE
Room 220
Salem, OR 97301
Salem Housing Authority Commission
The Salem Housing Authority Board of Commissioners consists of eight elected City Councilors and a resident commissioner. The term of each of the eight commission members who are members of the Salem City Council shall coincide with their term as city councilor. The term of the Resident Commissioner shall begin on the date of appointment and shall be limited to a single consecutive full term of four years, not including any partial term. The commission approves actions related to matters of policy in program operation, housing development, and resident services. Board Agenda information is available to the public on the City of Salem Meeting calendar.
To testify about an item on the agenda, you must sign up on the public comment list or the public hearing sign-up sheet before the Commission meeting begins. Current and past Commission meeting videos are available on the web: streaming video from CC:Media.
Salem Housing Advisory Committee
The Salem Housing Advisory Committee provides guidance to the Salem Housing Authority on matters of policy in program operation, housing development, and resident services. The committee consists of 10 members serving four-year terms representing the community with specific interest or expertise in affordable housing matters. Advisory meetings are normally held the fourth Monday of each month at noon in Robert Lindsey Tower, located next to SHA offices at 360 Church Street SE. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. Please call 503-588-6453 for meeting dates and times.
City Council & Mayor
Julie Hoy
Paul Tigan
Ward 1
Linda Nishioka
Ward 2
Shane Matthews
Ward 3
Deanna Gwyn
Ward 4
Dr. Irvin M. Brown
Ward 5
Ward 6
Vanessa Nordyke
Ward 7
Micki Varney
Ward 8