Waiting List Status Check Overview
When the Salem Housing Authority closes its waiting list to new applications, applicants can check their status. Wait times can vary daily, with an estimated range of 18 months to 5 years. All applicants will be processed as funding and resources become available.
We have discontinued the use of watlistcheck.com and, at this time, we do not provide estimated wait times for our services. Thank you for your understanding, and we appreciate your patience as we make these changes.
If you are unable to log into your account, technical support number is 888-484-2779.
Salem Housing Authority does not have access to your login ID or password. SHA does not provide status checks via phone or email.
To learn more about our application process and waiting list process, visit our admissions and continued occupancy policy for Salem Housing Authority's public housing program. Plans and Policies — Salem Housing Authority
Notifications are mailed when your name is approaching the top of the waiting list. If you have a change in address, phone number, or family status or become disabled or elderly (age 62+), please notify us promptly in writing with our update form.
To update your information, click here - Household Update Form - Household Update Form — Salem Housing Authority (salemhousingor.com).