Landlord Information and Frequently Asked Questions
Landlord Portal
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Salem Housing Authority (SHA) is pleased to announce the launch of Landlord Portal, a user-friendly online tool designed to streamline communication and facilitate access to important information related to your Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) participants/properties without the need for physical visits or phone calls to SHA’s offices.
Benefit features of the MyHousing Landlord Portal, you will be able to:
Review Historical Inspections
Review Real-Time Payments
Review and Receive Tax Forms (1099s)
Tenants Assigned Caseworker
Click The Button To Access The Landlord Portal
Please allow up to 7 days for your request to be reviewed and responded to. If you have any questions regarding your request, you can find answers below.
If you have any questions or technical issues, please feel free to contact our team at portalsupport@salemhousingor.com.
Landlord Information and Frequently Asked Questions
For more information about participating in the Section 8 program, Email: nburdette@salemhousingor.com
What is the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program?
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds rental assistance which is administered locally by Salem Houisng Authority. Assistance is provided to very low income families, the elderly, and people with disabilities so that they can live in safe and decent housing. Program participants may use their voucher to find their own housing, including single family homes, townhomes, and apartments. Vouchers administered by Salem Housing Authority are used within the Salem/Keizer Urban Growth Boundary.
What are my benefits as a landlord?
Participating landlords are helping low-income Salem area residents obtain the most basic of needs--housing. Additionally, landlords gain these business benefits:
- Guaranteed receipt of Salem Housing Authority's portion of the contract rent.
- Lower vacancy rates and a reduced tenant turnover.
- The ability to charge a market rate security deposit.
- We may provide the landlord with tenants' current and previous known addresses.
What are my responsibilities?
Under the HUD Section 8 Program, landlords must make repairs on the property, if required, and comply with all federal, state, and local fair housing laws and permit inspections of the unit as requested by the Housing Authority. Landlords must comply with the terms of the lease and HUD Tenancy Addendum, the Housing Assistance Payments Contract, and Oregon landlord tenant laws.
What kind of housing qualifies?
Almost any kind of safe, decent, and sanitary housing qualifies. Units can include apartments, townhomes, and single family homes. To be accepted there must be an adequate living area and heating, electrical, water, and sewer systems. To ensure the home meets criteria, SHA must conduct--and the unit must pass--a housing quality standards inspection.
Must I accept everyone with a voucher as a renter?
You should apply the same pre-rental screening standards to all potential renters.
What are participants' responsibilities?
- Comply with lease terms.
- Pay their share of the rent on time and be a good neighbor.
- Pay utilities (if any).
- Not damage the property beyond normal wear-and-tear.
- Notify the Housing Authority if wishing to move to a new unit.
- Permit annual/biennial inspections to ensure safe and decent conditions.
- Immediately report changes to household composition and income.
- Avoid illegal activity by household members and guests
- The household must not own or have any interest in the unit. Exceptions can be made for a reasonable accommodation.
How do I raise the rent?
The Salem Housing Authority Section 8 program requires a 60-day notice for rent increases although Landlord/Tenant law may state something different. SHA accepts rent increases through email only. Please email a copy of the notice you give the tenant to: amartin@salemhousingOR.com. You can use your own form or our form found here.
Why haven't I been paid yet?
Please contact our accounting department at (503) 763-3111.
How do I change ownership/payee/bank account information of a property?
Send us the ownership change form and the direct deposit form.
How do I sign up for direct deposit?
Complete the direct deposit form and return it to our office.
What do I need to do to accept Section 8?
Landlords do not need to be pre-approved to participate in the voucher program. To rent to an SHA client, the unit must be in the city of Salem/Keizer urban growth boundary, be within our client’s allotted rent limit, be considered to be rent reasonable, and pass an inspection.
How do I advertise my property with SHA?
You can list your property at www.affordablehousing.com, which provides an enhanced program to list rental properties on line. Listings are available to potential Housing Choice Voucher tenants seeking apartment units, duplexes, single-family homes or townhomes in the private market. If you have any questions regarding registering, creating or viewing property listings, please contact the Affordable Housing toll free help line at 1-866-466-7328.
If you need assistance, please contact our Landlord Navigator:
Nikki Burdette
Phone: 503 - 344 - 7903
Email: nburdette@salemhousingor.com